Greetings from Sierra Leone!
There are many new developments in the life of The Roots Project and TRS, and we are excited to share with you some of the great things that are happening here.

Transitional Home: Six months ago, we were in the process of locating an ideal property to serve as TRS’s first transitional home. Three months ago, the Lord provided us with a property that far exceeded anything that we expected to find. Today, we are one step closer to
officially launching our Transitional Home program. Currently, the home is 75% furnished,
and we are in the process of selecting support staff for the home.
We’ve Got Power!: In Sierra Leone, power is not a guaranteed resource. Many times,
power is only available for hours at a time. As a result, one of our biggest needs for the
transitional home has been finding a reliable, and feasible, source of power. With the kindness
and generosity of our friends at MindPoint Group, we were able to purchase a generator
that is suitable for the needs of the home. We are extremely thankful for MindPoint Group
and their desire to seek the welfare of our youth!

Medix:One of the most vital needs of children, is to be connected to caring adults. Over the past year, we have had the privilege to partner with Medix to provide
some of our older children with caring mentors. Medix hosts weekly skype calls
with our youth that help them to identify their personal goals and interests and
to strengthen their communication skills. After a two-month break,
our Medix calls have begun again.
Up-Coming:In the coming months, we anticipate that children will be moved
into the transitional home in August. We hope to have all transitional home staff selected and trained during July. We are excited for all that is happening,
and we are thankful to have you along with us for the journey.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
Many blessings,
The Raining Season