The Raining Season has been blessed with the opportunity to meet, create relationships, and partner with a number of individuals and organizations both in the United States and in Sierra Leone. U.S. Marines stationed in Sierra Leone regularly visit the center to play with the kids. Medix, a U.S. based healthcare recruitment company, regularly Skypes with older children providing encouragement, support, and guidance.

One particular connection created an incredible opportunity for the children and staff at The Raining Season June 2018. Khadijat Mojidi, former Country Coordinator of USAID in Sierra Leone began visiting the center during her time at the U.S. Embassy in Sierra Leone. She developed a relationship with many of the children at the center, which has led to sponsorship and in-kind donations to our Roots Transitional Home program that was launched in August 2018. We are grateful for her involvement and thankful that she has introduced others to our organization. As her time in Sierra Leone came to an end, she wanted to treat the children and staff to a party, her going away present to them.

Khadijat Mojidi, Former, Country Coordinator,Sierra Leone,USAID
With the leadership of Mariama Keita, Communications + Partnership Advisor, USAID, Khadijat Mojidi treated the staff and children to an unforgettable night. A delicious meal, DJ, and surprise special guest were all part of the special event.

Mariama Keita, Communications + Partnership Advisor, USAID, Bureau for Africa, Office of West African Affairs. She is also an active member of the Guinean Diaspora in the United States and globally.
While it was an honor to have each guest, including representation from the U.S. Embassy of Sierra Leone, the children and staff erupted in cheers as a local celebrity, Emmerson, entered the building. Emmerson Amidu Bockarie (stage name Emmerson) is a Sierra Leonean Afropop singer/celebrity who has become well known in Sierra Leone for lyrics that promote social change, and that criticize corruption in the previous government of Sierra Leone. As his music transcends across all ages from children to adults reciting every word of his lyrics, it is with excitement that he truly enjoyed speaking and dancing with the children.

Emmerson entering the building

Emmerson Amidu Bockarie (stage name Emmerson) is a Sierra Leonean Afropop singer/celebrity who has become well known in his country for lyrics that promote social change,and that criticize corruption in the previous government of Sierra Leone.

Emmerson and Khadijat Mojidi pictured with children from The Center
As Mariama described her relationship with The Raining Season as contagious, she noted, “Once you meet and interact with the children and hear the remarkable stories of the dedicated staff that run this 24 hour operation of 100+ kids out of compassion and love, it was impossible for me to leave Sierra Leone without wanting to become a sponsor and introduce others to join in for a worthy cause.” A huge thank you to Khadijat Mojidi, Mariama Keita and Emmerson for their part in making this celebration a memorable evening.
Many blessings,
The Raining Season
All photos taken by Miles B Kamara, Sierra Leone