Meet Alie Kanu. Alie is one of the many outstanding children that call The Raining Season home. We have watched him grow, set goals and achieve them. He is hardworking and driven. He is also a role model for our younger boys at the center. When the Roots Home was transitioning from an idea into a reality, Alie knew that one day he would call the Roots House home. He was given the opportunity to help Charles and Ally Currie make decisions for the Roots House. Charles and Ally often consulted him for his ideas and opinions. He helped pick out fabric and other accessories that would be part of his future home.

Alie is one of our six kids residing at the Roots House. Since moving to the Roots House, Alie has shown a great deal of initiative in seeking opportunities to learn new things. Alie has learned to prepare meals, pay the utility bill, and operate the household generator. Alie has even recently inquired about learning to drive.
Living in a new environment is far from easy, especially when you are learning to take on adult responsibilities; yet, Alie has continued to thrive in school. He expects to finish first in his class for this school year. We are anticipating that Alie will be passing to SS2 (11th grade) following this school year.
Alie aspires to become a lawyer with the hope of helping children find families. He also hopes to be a pastor one day. For his New Year’s resolution, Alie set a goal of preaching 5 times this year. So far, he has preached twice, most recently on Palm Sunday. We are extremely proud of Alie. He is a blessing and a joy to have with us at the Roots House.
Alie, we are proud of you and the young man you are becoming!
Many blessings,
The Raining Season