For the third year in a row, we are able to announce that we have a new group of young adults who have been accepted to university. After taking the West African Senior School Certificate Exam (WASSCE) last spring, six of our young adults passed! These students worked incredibly hard to study and prepare for this exam, attending extra classes and tutoring sessions. Their dedication to their studies over the past year has paid off, and they officially began taking classes on January 3rd. All five newly enrolled students are attending Milton Margai University in Freetown. Isha and Rosanna will study social work, Davida will study public health, and Juliana, Aquila, and John will study public administration.
This year, we have eleven young adults total who are enrolled in university. While we are incredibly proud, university costs are much higher than secondary school. It also includes additional needs such as technology, increased transportation costs, and meals while they are attending classes, to name a few. Because of the increased costs, The Raining Season is working to raise the remaining $3,807 needed to pay all tuition and fees for the year for all eleven students. Whether you sponsor a young adult who is attending university or not, you can still DONATE to the fund that will pay their tuition.
Finally, we are looking for donations of gently used iPhones purchased within the past four years for our university students. This is a practical way to support the Roots with something that may already be lying around your home. If you are able to donate an iPhone, please reach out to
Will you please join us in praying for these young adults as they continue their education? We pray for each young adult, their heart, and their passions and that they know they are loved and supported. We pray that their education will enable them to become leaders of their generation in Sierra Leone.
Many blessings,
The Raining Season