A lot has changed since we first opened our doors. We have watched toddlers become teenagers and young adults. We have called three different buildings home. We’ve welcomed hundreds of children into our care, providing them with food, shelter, education, and hope. Every day, we do what we do for the children. Our kids continue to grow, thrive, and dream. We celebrate with them, support them, encourage them, and advocate for them.
This week, in our latest How it Started – How it’s Going feature, we are looking back at where Juliana’s story with TRS began and celebrating how far she has come.
How it Started – Meet Juliana. Juliana has called The Raining Season home for more than twelve years. In 2010, when she was seven years old, Juliana and two of her siblings came to TRS. Her father passed away, leaving her mother with six children to support. Because it was so difficult for her mother to care for the children alone, she asked that several of her children be brought to The Raining Season for a better life.

How it’s Going – Juliana just celebrated her twentieth birthday on January twelfth. Since coming to The Raining Season, she has grown from a young child into a beautiful young lady with hopes, dreams, and a bright future. Juliana is kind and caring. She is in grade twelve and preparing for the West Africa Senior School Certificate Exam, which will allow her to enroll in University. In her free time, she loves dancing, singing, and writing poetry. Juliana has chores she does in her apartment, but she also enjoys helping in the toddler apartment.

Thank you for being part of Juliana’s story at The Raining Season. She has been able to call the center home for twelve years, thanks to the many sponsors that support her each month. Because of people like you, Juliana can look forward to a bright future. When children find out they have a new sponsor, they are grateful because you are providing a safe place to live, opportunity through education, nutritious food, essential medical care, and spiritual nurturing every day.
Are you interested in being part of Juliana’s story and helping her continue to dream of her future? Email sponsorship@therainingseason.org to learn more.
Many blessings,
The Raining Season