Life is not as we imagined it would be right now. We were envisioning welcoming teams to our center beginning in April, our kids sharing about school and friends with their sponsors on Skype calls, and our kids studying for their exams as they prepare for their National exam.
We are thankful for our fantastic staff now, more than ever. Many of our staff members have been with us since the very beginning. They weathered the Ebola crisis with us and quickly adapted to the changes that COVID-19 presented. They support our children and show up each day ready to love and serve our kids. It is an honor to introduce our staff to you on the blog. This week, we are thrilled to introduce our next staff feature.

Meet Mohamed Karbo. Mohamed has been with The Raining Season since the very beginning. He is the Child Welfare Manager for TRS. As the Child Welfare Manager, he serves as a liaison for TRS and the line ministries. Mohamed is also part of the intake of new children. When a new child comes to our center he enrolls them into our program. He serves many of them in their most vulnerable state - when they first enter under our care. Finally, Mohamad works closely with adoptive families as they work through the adoption process.
When The Raining Season was first established, he learned that it was a child welfare program serving orphans in Sierra Leone. He was interested in the organization and applied. His qualifications and heart set him apart, and our leadership knew that Mohamed would be a good fit for TRS. More than ten years later, he continues to serve The Raining Season in multiple capacities.

Mohamed received his certificate in community development studies as well as a diploma in business administration. Mohamed and his wife have two daughters. Mohamed shared that he enjoys working with The Raining Season as it is an opportunity to save the lives of orphans, as well as deprived and less privileged children in Sierra Leone. Mohamed wants to see The Raining Season grow and continue to make a big impact in Sierra Leone and beyond. We are certain that with his leadership and heart for our children and those in Sierra Leone that our impact in Sierra Leone will continue to grow.
Uncle Mohamed, we are thankful for you! Thank you for your servant’s heart, hard work, and everything you do for our children. Join us in praying for Mohamed, our entire staff, and the children as they continue to navigate this difficult time.
Many blessings,
The Raining Season