Earlier this month, The Raining Season’s Primary School hosted its second annual Sports Day. Our school serves more than one hundred thirty children, and many of the children come from the surrounding community. The kids, our staff, and families were all excited about this special day and the opportunity to cheer the kids on. The event was held at SS Camp Field in the Hill Station community because we needed room for the kids to run, jump, and compete.

The day began with the playing of Sierra Leone’s National Anthem. During the event, the kids wore matching shirts that distinguished their teams, and they loved competing against their classmates. Sports Day is not only fun, but it also teaches the kids teamwork, perseverance, hard work, and sportsmanship. This year, they were divided into four teams – blue, yellow, white, and orange. Throughout the day, the kids participated in some of their favorite events, like the sack race, musical chairs, and an all-team relay race. Another event that the children enjoyed was the African Queen. In this event, each team had a young girl dress in African clothing and promenade through the field while surrounded by her team.

While Sports Day is a common event at schools in Sierra Leone each year, it is not a requirement. However, many schools hold a Sports Day as a part of their extracurricular activities. TRS’s Sports Day was a fun day for the children and their families. Families were invited to attend, and many brought food and drinks to energize and prepare the kids to participate. It was a fun day for all!

As the school year in Sierra Leone draws to a close, our children are diligently preparing for their end of year exams. Last week, ten children from The Raining Season’s Primary School took the National Primary School Examination (NPSE). This test determines not only their promotion to the next grade level but also their eligibility for Junior Secondary School. If successful, they will continue their education outside our center next fall. Will you join us in prayer for a successful end to the school year?
Many blessings,
The Raining Season