Congratulations to our in-country director, Sorie Kamara, and his wife, Ruth, on the birth of their baby girl, Samara Sorutha Elizabeth Gbassay Kamara. She was born on March 13th at 8:50 a.m., weighing 8 pounds and 6 ounces. Sorie and Ruth were married in May of 2021, and this is their first child. Both baby and Ruth are doing well, and the entire family is adjusting to life as a family of three. Thank you Jesus for this wonderful gift of life!

Sorie shared this about being a new father, “It is a wonderful feeling knowing that you are a dad. First, you start realizing the changes in your wife in every way, physical and emotional changes, you can’t help but just to support her knowing the bundle of joy she is bringing forth. The last stage of that pregnancy is tough, seeing my wife going through many hours of labor pain is tough. You can only watch, support and encourage her during those moments. The cry of the baby in the labor ward enlightened my spirit with joy that is unexplainable, but anxious to know about the state of the mother. Thanking Jesus that both survived the labor room. The mother’s joyous facial expression when she sees her first baby in her arms outweighs all the months of her pains and changes. As a new father, I have to navigate the new changes of welcoming our new baby home. With the help of some family members, especially my sister-in-law, we encourage the mother to have sufficient rest and recover well while we provide primary caregiving for the baby.”

Congratulations once again, and welcome to the TRS family, baby Samara! May you always know how loved you are.
Many blessings,
The Raining Season