"I will appoint a place for my
children and will plant them,
that they may dwell in their
own place and be moved no more." 1Chronicles 17:9
Studies have found that violence in residential institutions is six times higher than violence in foster care, and that children in group care are almost four times more likely to experience sexual abuse than children in family based care.
Research shows that orphaned children placed in permanant families have a greater chance at restoration and success later in life than those left in institutional or foster care settings.

D E S P I T E T H E O D D S . . .
We believe every child, deserves ROOTS, the chance to be firmly planted within a community and among a family that has chosen them... bringing them into the fold, just as Christ has done for us.

TRS has seen many children united with families in the United States. During this transition we have learned so much about what true restoration means for every child. Children united with a permanent family in a loving home is truly the final step in the journey to full restoration.
Knowing that international adoption is a temporary program (due to the uncertainties and legalities that come with the process) we have begun the process of scrutinizing our programs in country to determine what we can do to bring FAMILY to all children,
regardless of if international adoption is part of the equation.
meets the standard definition of ORPHAN, meaning that not all have the chance to be matched with a family in the US.... this means we must look at each child case by case and determine what’s in their best interest.
We believe the time has come to launch a new program, to shift our vision from the standard orphanage care setting and move into the search for adoptive families within the country of Sierra Leone.
Through strategic partnerships with churches across the country we can encourage the culture to embrace the heart of adoption, placing children in a place of acceptance and community, giving them a family and a sense of belonging that they so desperately need.
have questions…. and we plan to answer every single one! This vision is still in the strategic planning stage, but know that soon we will begin taking steps in country to create family and root every child, give us the chance to restore every orphan in Sierra Leone.
Sound impossible? Maybe. But we LOVE to take on the challenges the world says we cannot fix, we serve a faithful God who has begun a GREAT work and he has proven time and time again that FAMILY is his heart. In turn, we will follow that heart, and work hard to bring back into the fold, every child that’s been lost. With that, we’d love for you to watch our newest video further explaining the mission!